We were asked to develop a basketball shoe closure with the following design criteria in mind:

1. Intuitive to the touch - Can I reach down and secure my shoe without taking my eyes off the game?

2. Quick - The connection should match the speed of the game

3. Iconic - What will be our memorable action captured on camera?

4. Neat - Everyone’s setting will be different. The shoe should not highlight that fact.

5. Fine tunable - A little tighter or slightly looser. Do I have the ability to make small adjustments?

6. Tough - Is the “mechanism” protected from impact? Does it instill confidence?


I began with conceptual sketching, keeping the design criteria top of mind throughout the development and narrowing of concepts. I created numerous concept sketches before building behavioral prototypes of a few ideas which I felt met the design criteria most successfully. I then down selected to one concept, created a tech pack and 2D sketch renderings, and delivered the final idea to Nike.